Monday, April 15, 2013

Combine a (terrible) serious scary movie with a (terrible) funny scary movie and this is what you get.

Writer's note: Before you read this, I will just inform you now that this is in fact a terrible movie. This is in fact THE WORST film I have ever seen.

Bad Kids Go To Hell:


A group of prep school students are stuck in the library during detention with a wrathful ghost.


Bad Kids Go To Hell is difficult to review properly since THE FILMMAKERS DID NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH THE MOVIE. You can't go two opposite ways with a horror film and expect a good result. That's like mixing water and oil together expecting sunflower seeds; IT DOES NOT WORK. ESPECIALLY WHEN TAKING ELEMENTS OF THE BREAKFAST CLUB AND INTEGRATING THEM INTO BAD KIDS GO TO HELL.

Now you do get an explanation for why they are all in detention, and you do get a glimpse into some of their lives via (lazy and hasty) flashback sequences, but for the most part Bad Kids Go To Hell is just a terribly terrible attempt at combining immature comedy with lacklustre horror. This film is in fact so bad that the actors have one AND I MEAN ONE expression throughout the whole hour and a half of the film.  That combined with the hasty dual personality soundtrack and the editing talents of a small child cutting paper with a butcher knife, aren't even what make this film terrible. That just makes the film bad. I'll get into what makes this film terrible in the next paragraph, since I will need an entire paragraph to emphasize the major offense the filmmakers made.

This will spoil a bit of the film, but to be honest if you've read this far already you know not to watch this. During a scene with the entire group of troublemaking students gathered around, one of the characters points out that this is not some heart warming bonding moment where all of them will get to know each other on a more intimate level. On a side note, that is actually true, there are no connections developed between the characters, since they are all too busy being racial stereotypes.

Hmm I wonder why that bit about heart warming bonding moments sounds familiar. Oh right, THE BREAKFAST CLUB. They even went so far as to cast Judd Nelson as the Headmaster. JUST TO REFERENCE A MOVIE AND LET EVERYONE KNOW WHAT FILM INFLUENCED THIS PIECE OF GARBAGE. That was the peak moment of offense right there and offend it did. The fact that this film continues to make homage to The Breakfast Club makes it even worse. I mean, this film isn't funny nor is it scary, and to make it a violent version of of a heartwarming classic was just tasteless.

I can't recommend that anyone watch this film, unless they drink a hospitalizing amount of Colt 45, Olde English, or Smirnoff. The only way to wash down so much disgusting movie is to wash it down with disgusting beer or alcohol.

I can however recommend that people watch The Breakfast Club. Awesome film. Much better than Bad Kids Go To Hell. I don't even know why Judd Nelson agreed to be in Bad Kids Go To Hell.

Overall terrible film. And I hate the writers for (attempting) referencing the breakfast club.

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