Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Kevin Costner + Luis Berdejo ([REC] and Quarantine) = Good horror film...right?

The New Daughter


A struggling writer, having recently moved with his family to a house far away from civilization, has to deal with his daughter's sudden change of personality.


Having watched previous Kevin Costner films, as well as been a fan of the first two [REC] films, I was eagerly anticipating what should have been an intensely terrifying movie.

That anticipation was all for naught.

Predictable scare moments, dialogue that fails to connect, and music that never feels right for the moment all cause The New Daughter to be more laughs than scares. It's truly unfortunate, as The New Daughter could have been so much more than a typical horror movie.

Seriously, Luis Berdejo teamed up with Kevin Costner, and not even that is enough to make a decent horror film.

However, the camera work does sometimes help. The scenic shots more specifically were actually amazing. These few moments in The New Daughter were the moments where you actually felt some intrigue and some pull.

Unfortunately that doesn't help as much as it would need to in order to save The New Daughter from being a typical horror movie.

If there were better sound effects, maybe a few improvements done with the dialogue especially at the calm moments, and less overdone music, this could have been an awesome movie.

I can't really recommend this for anyone unfortunately, unless that person is a fan of jump scare type films?

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