Sunday, June 16, 2013

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's Henry Cavill in spandex!

Man of Steel:


To save Earth from destruction by his own people, a young man must discover his past and become a hero.


We've all seen reboots by now. Heck, there have been so many reboots of so many characters that they have become household names. Batman Begins, Spider-man, and The Incredible Hulk to name a few. Even the lesser known Ghost Rider's sequel was partially a reboot.

Man of Steel provides a somewhat refreshing change to this by doing the one thing that those films didn't:

Making a reboot after an unsuccessful reboot.

When Superman Returns came out, everyone was expecting an amazing movie. It had Brandon Routh as Superman and Kate Bosworth as Lois Lane, how could it go bad? Well, at the time, making a superhero with god-like powers a very human character was difficult. The closest we had was Iron Man, and he didn't have powers. So, to sum up a long paragraph, Bryan Singer's attempt to bring Superman back was unsuccessful, and the title hero went back to being an obscure object of geek fascination.

Cue to 2013, when something changes all that. Marvel rolls out The Avengers, an incredibly siccessful superhero team up that makes DC realize they need to step up their game. So what do DC do? They bring out a Man of Steel to begin this epic game of catch up.

What are the results?

Read below to find out.

Man of Steel is by far one of the best, most human and emotional, comic book adaptations I have seen in a while. I mean this is a movie that has more humanity in it than any of the Marvel movies out now. Irony being that Superman is actually an alien. This is suprising mostly due to the fact that Henry Cavill, the main actor, was a relative unknown before he was cast as the Man of Steel. I saw his other film, A Cold Day of Night, just a while ago and thought his acting was the worst I've seen since Anakin Skywalker. I had lost all hope in the man who was considered for the 007 reboot way back when.

But yes, Henry Cavill is in fact the perfect Superman. He can switch between being a god to being a human in no time at all, an asset which greatly assists him in Man of Steel. Having Zack Snyder directing with Christopher Nolan producing was just topping on the cake of awesome that is Man of Steel. Each scene is crisp and beautiful, every touching moment is sincere, and every fight scene is an act of wonder and suspense.

That's not to say that's all the good the movie has. The script is perfect, settings were made with authentic feel by either special effects or camera technique or both, and choreography that is fluid and real. All that topped off by an amazing story and great performances by all except Amy Adams.

Seriously, they should have kept Kate Bosworth.

Man of Steel does have notable influence. Some scenes have that Christopher Nolan touch, especially with how the beginning plays out. The second half seems almost like it was made to show how Transformers could have been better, explosions and all.

I recommend Man of Steel to those who want a superhero that is more in depth, and I eagerly await The Justice League of America. This is the amazing set up for what will hopefully be an even better superhero team up.

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