Friday, June 28, 2013

Non-film related post

I was in a very heated debate with a few people recently, over who my vote should go towards. One of them thought I should vote for NDP, and the other said that the Conservatives are the best way to go.

Here's my argument to both regarding why I would vote for neither and why I won't vote for a long time:

We are still part of a population that believes First Past The Post is the best voting system. However, there are problems with that. With First Past The Post, we only get a vote per person, so if a province has a majority that favours one party, that's a big percentage of votes that go straight to that party. That wouldn't be such a problem if each province had a population count roughly equal to the other provinces. As such, whenever that big election rolls around, it's pretty much always the east coast that is the deciding factor in who wins that election, since they have the biggest population out of all the provinces. Not a big deal right? Makes elections go faster and to be honest people want change to happen faster, whether it's for the best or the worst.

Now here's where Canadians are presented with an opportunity for a better voting system. If you recall a few years ago, we had an option on our ballots for a voting system called Single Transferable Vote. Single Transferable Vote is a proportional representation system that uses ranked voting instead of singular voting. That means we get to show who we favour the most, then we get to show who we think should win if that first option doesn't work out. It's an intelligent and accurate representation of our opinions through a single piece of paper. It takes longer, yes, but it gets rid of that problem of population by province. And it also means we get more seats for more of our favoured party/parties. While it does mean we still get only a vote per person, that vote isn't favouring only one party, it's spreading our vote out in proportions.

Single Transferable Vote hasn't been used yet for a country-wide election in Canada, but if it was, don't you agree that would be a better way to represent our opinions?

For those who might argue that STV is difficult to keep track of, we have computers for that. It really isn't that difficult, even if it takes longer than the basic voting system we currently have.

As it stands, we still use First Past The Post. Until that changes, I won't be placing my vote in any ballot boxes and I won't be reading up on any of the parties trying to get votes. Call that ignorant, un-supporting, or unpatriotic, but our system is flawed, and change is long overdue.

Edit: I know this is announcing that I won't bother trying to contribute change, but in as rigged a political system as this is, I don't see the point. I would have to travel to the east coast and get as many people as possible to vote for the party I prefer if I wanted to get that party to win. As such, I guess the only party I'll prefer for a while is the one that has the most drinks and happens on the weekend. Also note that this is specifically for country-wide elections.

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