Thursday, July 11, 2013

In space, no one can Europa you back to Earth. Ha! I made a pun.

Europa Report:


Exploration of one of Jupiter's moons turns deadly for a crew of astronauts when unexpected events occur.


Space exploration. It's something everyone has thought of, talked about, and pondered. There's a genre of film about it, and several subgenres that theorize smaller components of it. Europa Report tries to suggest what we might find in a way that's both plausible and convincing.

The found footage style documentary presentation was very helpful in making everything seem real, though having big time tv show actors kind of snapped me out of the immersive experience whenever they were shown. The filmmakers can't really be faulted for that, but it can be annoying, especially if the scene is supposed to be immersive.

The actors are definitely convincing enough, and the interviews helped make this more documentary style than found footage, which is something I found very helpful towards enjoying the film.

There is a tiny bit of a soundtrack, but it's all for the interview segments, again helping make Europa Report seem more like a documentary than a fictional film. It's not a necessary soundtrack, but it's definitely a nice touch.

The story is amazing. I found it was actually quite the entertaining thrill ride from start to finish, though the concept behind it has been thought of and created several times with different settings, it was still an amazing story.

Overall, Europa Report was an enjoyable experience, seeming very real for a fictional film. It's out in limited theatrical release on the 2nd of August, so if you're a sci-fi nerd, find a theater and check it out. If you want to find a copy of it sooner, it's on iTunes, Google's Play Store, and Video On Demand.

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