Saturday, July 13, 2013

Man, it would be awkward having an alien organism enter your body through an orifice they create. Pretty sure it would end with a lack of being able to walk straight for a few days.

The Host:


An alien race invades Earth, taking over the bodies of countless humans. All hope lies with a small pocket of humanity, and a very special girl who, driven by love, attempts to do the impossible.


Stephanie Meyers has to be one of the few authors in the world who can get away with being lazy, just because her fanbase doesn't notice it. I mean, it seriously takes an observant mind to notice, but if you're a serious fan of Twilight, do the following and you'll notice.

Read the Twilight books, and then read The Host. If you see what I mean, the review will make a lot of sense.

Despite the obvious Invasion of the Bodysnatchers influence, as well as some great actors doing incredibly great work, Saoirse Ronan and John Hurt especially, the lazy plot based on the works of what has to be the least talented author to ever make the New York Times bestseller list absolutely ruins The Host's attempts to seem like a competent Science fiction film.

First and foremost, the plot. You won't notice it immediately, but if you pay close attention it is largely copied off of the plot of the entire Twilight series. I mean, you'd think that would make her that much richer, but given that vampires and werewolves have that sexy air of mystery to them, it doesn't transfer over well for humans and aliens. You don't see anyone except for Trekkies and Star Wars fans wanting to watch intimate Klingon/Twi-lek scenes, which are probably easy to find on the internet. Throughout the whole film, I felt like I was watching a lazily done adaptation of Twilight. It's that bad.

To be fair, the directing isn't that bad, and each intense sequence feels as intense as it should. The quiet moments actually are interesting to a point, and they do help you understand certain characters.

If only the actors were good enough to make you care. Two of the main characters are portrayed by guys who have the same wooden acting as Hayden Christensen when he was Anakin Skywalker, so their facial expressions are pretty much the same throughout. Much is the same with most of the other actors, who are clearly only in the film so they can make money off of it.

I also liked some of the camera work. Some scenes are picturesque in quality and others are outright beautiful.

That being said, it's basically the lazy rehash of the plot and the wooden acting done by two of the laziest acting ever that end up ruining what could have actually been a decent sci-fi film. I would probably like this film if there werw better actors and if the source material had actually had time and effort spent on it.

Overall, The Host ended up lacking in two distinctly important areas. Only two types of people would gain anything from this film: fangirls who love watching young built guys being all...uh...angsty looking, and filmmakers who want to know whose work to do adaptations of. If you're not one of those, don't watch this.


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