Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Dentist Trap

Oral Fixation:


A dentist's patient falls in love with him, setting in motion a chain of events that change her life as well as the lives of the dentist and his family.


Oral Fixation, winner of multiple awards from the Long Island Film Festival, was surprisingly disappointing. Even disregarding the subtle sexism (each female character is a stereotype of some kind), there's not enough impact to give anyone a reason to give Oral Fixation a full check up.

What I liked:

1. The story has more to it than just the synopsis...

Unlike most films, Oral Fixation adds layers to its story, giving necessary background for two of the characters, both of which are vital to the story. This helps explain some of the events that occur and why they occur.

What I didn't like:

1. ...But not nearly enough background is given for the other characters.

Normally, most movies can get away with saying someone is just someone, but for Oral Fixation, you want to know who's who and why they are who they are. Since that isn't provided, most of the characters are just typical Hollywood depictions of what film makers think average Joes are. The stereotyping in Oral Fixation is so horrible that they actually ruin any good scenes.

2. Lack of build up leading to lack of overall reaction.

Everything about Oral Fixation is basically a cut to the chase anti-climatic scene, which prevents a lot of tension from being built up. I wanted to believe that there was more to this than just the "oh this is going to happen," straightforward approach that was used. That is especially horrible because Oral Fixation plays out like a thriller.

3. Lack of plot twists.

It's a thriller, and in this type of movie there should be at least a few plot twists. Unfortunately there is only one, and it's a very minor plot twist that you can't really make yourself care about, given the rather weak storyline.

Who I recommend Oral Fixation to:

No one really. If someone wants a very straightforward movie with somewhat decent eye candy thrown in as a distraction, then by all means go for it, just don't expect an amazing story.

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