Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Evil Dead! Blaugh demons blaugh!

The Evil Dead:


Five youths are attacked by demonic forces summoned by an evil incantation.


To give all of you horror newbies a bit of background, The Evil Dead was one of those amazing movies from the 80's that inspired a lot of modern films today; there's even a remake being released in April! It had everything a slasher film needed. There were demons, tons of blood and gore, and of course an awesome main character named Ash (Bruce Campbell, the actor who portrayed Ash, became an icon).

Sam Raimi, the director of The Evil Dead trilogy, is also known for directing a more recent trilogy named The Spider-man trilogy. Yes, those movies with a cgi Tobey Maguire swinging and jumping around New York. In previous reviews, my opinions of Sam Raimi films haven't been the greatest (with the exception of Oz), so watching The Evil Dead made me realize that maybe he's just specifically good at certain genres.

What I liked the most:

1. Blood and gore, gore, and lots of it!

A lot of horror films have blood and gore, but most of the time it's generically caused (guy gets eaten by zombie, serial killer slashes someone's organs out with a knife, or Saw). The Evil Dead is creative with its bloody gory violence. Sure, it's shown enough that one doesn't always recognize the unique methods of cause, but there are crucial moments when you realize that they actually took a lot of time and effort to make that scene happen.

2. A typical jump scare film that has false scare moments.

Say a generic main character is walking through the woods when all of a sudden some crazy monster attacks. Sure, that'll make you jump, but wouldn't it be better if there were scenes where you expect to jump and it doesn't happen until you start to relax? That's what The Evil Dead does. It catches you off guard and excels amazingly at it.

3. Ash!

Say what you will about main characters, Ash is an awesome one. He has emotional development, he survives through a lot, and he is also the good guy that gets the signature weapon. Bruce Campbell does an amazing job portraying the innocent youth who ends up having to survive the worst night of his life.

Who I recommend The Evil Dead to:

Anyone who is going to watch the remake.

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