Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Slenderest Hollywood Man We Will Ever Know

Edit: I was wrong about this having anything to do with Slender Man, but some elements do tie in almost perfectly.

The Tall Man:


Julia Dennings, an average nurse in a small town, discovers that there is more to a serial abductor called, "The Tall Man," than meets the eye.


Jessica Biel is an amazing actress. Don't get me wrong on that. She has looks, she has acting ability, and she can show a character emotionally develop.

AS FOR THE TALL MAN. Well, to be honest, it was good. I thoroughly enjoyed the story from start to finish and thought that they did a fairly decent job with it, though there were some problems that are notably mentionable.

What I liked the most:

1. Some intense scenes.

The Tall Man has some very intense right-in-your-face scenes that seem to come out of nowhere. They just grab you by the throat and hurl you out of a window. Evidently this is one of the few parts that were mastered.

2. The story (and plot) keep you guessing as to how this will end.

One of my gripes with horror films is that they are mostly predictable. For example, the first Paranormal Activity told you how it would end almost right from the beginning with the demon possessing Katie Featherston. The Blair Witch project let you know that the witch would kill the three young film makers. The Tall Man actually keeps you guessing from start to finish, and you never really know how it ends until it indeed ends.

3. Jessica Biel's acting.

Jessica Biel is someone that most people probably know from Blade Trinity. She was the kickass vampire slaying human that had a very revealing shower scene (yes all you guys that were 13 or 12 at the time, you remember that scene).

Anyhow, she's lately been exceeding expectations in the films she's been in since then. The Tall Man is actually one of the films that she's flawless in. She delivers what I think is her best performance.

What I liked the least:

1. Not many scares.

This is a problem I have with a lot of movies, specifically ones that are horror films. They simply don't have scary moments. Sure, other people will jump and have reason to be scared/creeped out, but as far as The Tall Man goes, it just didn't creep me out or scare me at all.

Who I recommend The Tall Man to:

Anyone who likes a decently developed story that keeps developing.

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