Sunday, May 19, 2013

The most hypest of the visual films out there. Oh snap. I just got Gatsby'd. Or Baz'd. Or both.

The Great Gatsby:


A meeting with the mysterious Jay Gatsby leads Nick Carraway down a path of intrigue.


Anyone else feel echoes of Moulin Rouge when they watched The Great Gatsby?

It's like Moulin Rouge except with better actors, better story, and better visuals.

But before I go into detail about the good, I want to go into the bad.

This is a film built on what Baz Luhrman likes making films about: love. A universal theme hat is in basically every film created (or close to).

So why the problem?

They focus almost entirely on it throughout the film. To the point where I think they left content out of the book just to focus on it. Nick Carraway was the side character to Jay Gatsby and Daisy Buchanan, yet he was the most interesting character in the film and the film is told in Carraway's perspective. You could tell there was more to Nick that was never touched upon. Hell, there was more to every character that was never told.

With that said, it's time to get into the good.

The visuals are astoundingly amazing and I'm tempted to say they're perfect. The amount of careful effort that went into making each scene picturesque is astounding. Definitely an accomplishment that I hope is recognized by other viewers.

And what good is picture perfect visuals without an awesome soundtrack? Mixing modern with old, the soundtrack manages to capture the feel of the movie and actually becomes a part of The Great Gatsby at several points.

Combine those two with an awesome script, engaging plot, and beautiful story and you have an overall great movie. Highly recommended.

For a differing opinion from a fellow colleague, check out:

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