Friday, May 24, 2013

The redneck version of Twilight. Still a heck of a lot better.

Beautiful Creatures:


Ethan, a normal teenager living a normal life, meets Lena, an immediate outcast. Together they begin to fall in love, unaware of the chain of events they have caused.


So much to talk about and so little space to talk about it. Just kidding.

If you want to read the rest of this without the part where I trash Twilight, then skip the two bits below this and continue to the third bit.

Remember when the only mushy fantasy film series to watch was Twilight?

I don't, but we should humour the Twihards for just a second so I can make my point. So Twilight rolled through theaters as a series of terrible films that most of us only watched because every film ended in a cliffhanger. The books were written by a formerly polygamist woman who trashed Stephen King, a man who is widely known for his stories. He got his revenge, and the wench named Stephanie Meyer forever held her tongue. Apparently a Twilight sequel was in the works, until a certain other filmed based on a Stephanie Meyer novel called The Host flopped and floundered because it was an even worse version of Twilight except with aliens. This all proves Stephanie Meyer is the Nicholas Sparks of Fantasy novels. They're both terrible and should never ever write again.

So why did I just go on a rant about that? Because unfortunately enough, drivel like Twilight is what brought other movies like it into theaters. Every movie studio wants their own slice of the teen fantasy pie. Beautiful Creatures is no exception, EXCEPT FOR THE FACT THAT IT IS ACTUALLY GOOD.

Beautiful Creatures manages to do what Twilight could not: weave a romantic story together with both young and old characters all while keeping the integrity of everyone involved intact. The soundtrack doesn't distract you from the film, the main character is a realistic teen with a background story that a lot of teens can relate to, and his love interest is also a relatable character.

As for other awesome parts of Beautiful Creatures, the actors are really good and very genuine, the special effects are perfect if a little under used, and the plot is paced perfectly.

Hopefully Beautiful Creatures sees a sequel, unlike a certain film franchise that should stay as dead as half of its sparkly main characters are.

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