Wednesday, May 29, 2013

An hour and forty minute long Paranormal State episode. Ugh, so fake.

American Ghost Hunter:


Chad Calek brings a film crew to his childhood home in Iowa to assist his family with their paranormal experiences.


You know how you watch a scary ghost movie and think, "how did they do that?" or "wow those effects are amazing!"

No? Never did?

Well, at least American Ghost Hunter won't surprise you then. This is so heavily edited that it is obvious everything is fake. In fact, this goes to show that Ed and Lorraine Warren are the worst con artists this century has ever known. EVER. Evidently Ryan Buell was up to his old tricks when he helped with American Ghost Hunter

To get into why everything is fake, I will have to go back into what Chad and Ryan were doing before American Ghost Hunter.

They both starred in a 'reality television' show called Paranormal State with a group of other 'investigators'. This group consisted of members of the Pennsylvania State University Paranormal Research Society. This group would get messages from people all over the United States, asking for help in dealing with supernatural phenomena. The group would then go to the houses, bring a 'psychic' in to help with investigations, then do a session that they call "Dead Time," in which they are in the house by themselves and try to communicate with the source of the supernatural activity.

Over the course of the five season run, Paranormal State received a lot of complaints and criticism for how they actually did things. For example, the group would tell their psychic every detail beforehand, then make the psychic swear on camera that they never received any information before entering the house. Every bit of phenomena was heavily edited to make it look more 'real', as witnessed by people that had asked the Paranormal Research Society for help. The stars of the show would also mock and make fun of what the 'victims' were experiencing off camera. In fact, someone went so far as to make a site dedicated to showing how fake Paranormal State is:

Officially, it was one of those fake shows that hordes of mindless people would watch, thinking the events occurring in the show were real.

The reason I brought all that up is that I saw all the editing techniques from Paranormal State in American Ghost Hunter, which is something Chad and Ryan were in for every minute. Shadows moving in front of the camera? Edited. Weird noises? Cheap sound effects made after by a computer (you can tell). The whole "Iowa is cursed" bit? A hoax generated by Chad and Ryan. Lorraine Warren, an infamously known so-called paranormal investigator, guest stars in this documentary just to help cement the fact that Chad, his family, and Ryan are all a bunch of liars.

Yes, for those of you who know of Lorraine Warren, she is fake. She proved it way before this film by investigating the Amityville hauntings and proclaiming that those hauntings were real. She's a hack. Same with her husband Ed.

To add to all that, if someone is going to put effects in their documentary, AT LEAST USE THE EXPENSIVE EFFECTS. I understand this is a low budget film, but they could have at least scrounged up a bit more money to get some good effects in. I don't think anyone wants to hear the same cheap sound effects repeated over and over again, or see the cheapest visual effects put into an intense sequence.

This is unfortunate, as documentaries are based solely on telling the truth or opinionated truth. It is not a genre which a bunch of amateur hacks like Chad and Ryan should be going into just to make a movie they can fool a ton of idiots into watching. There's at least some truth in documentaries, but in American Ghost Hunter there is no truth to be found. This is basically an extended episode of Paranormal State.

Overall, I can't recommend this to anyone. Don't watch this movie, and tell your friends and family not to because this is a profound waste of space and time.

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